KMHS/Cobb Accounts Info
CTLS Learn - Your Digital Classrooms! New Student's Intro to KMHS Tech+
- Follow steps 1-4 on's CTLS page to get started
- If you forgot your password complete's tech help form (view password help for new Cobb students)
- More about CTLS
Computer Passwords for Cobb Applications and Devices (more help for new students)
- Computer passwords for new students start as happy; their first login must be at using their username
- Students who attended a Cobb school last year continue using the same password
- Please complete our Tech Help Form for assistance with a reset if you forgot your password. Register for self-service ability to reset your password
StudentVUE - Grade Reports
ParentVUE- Grade Reports
ParentVue accounts are automatically activated on approval of new student registration. Parents or guardians of KMHS students who have difficulty accessing ParentVUE may contact [email protected] for assistance. Please be aware of the features described below and contact Ms. Frazier with any questions or if you get locked out of your account following too many attempts at access with the wrong password.
- Login to StudentVUE with your student number and computer password
- StudentVUE will not work with the initial password happy, follow instructions for a reset first
- Too many incorrect login attempts will lock you out of your account, read instructions below to avoid this, send a message to [email protected] to regain access
- Information on your password and reset procedures is provided above
- Students can view their Office 365 account login from the StudentVUE website, but this information is not available through the app (More info about Office 365 is avaialble on's Technology page)
ParentVUE- Grade Reports
ParentVue accounts are automatically activated on approval of new student registration. Parents or guardians of KMHS students who have difficulty accessing ParentVUE may contact [email protected] for assistance. Please be aware of the features described below and contact Ms. Frazier with any questions or if you get locked out of your account following too many attempts at access with the wrong password.
- Email Notifications: If email notifications reflect data from a previous grading period or if you are no longer receiving notifications please log into the ParentVUE website or mobile app to view current grade information and review your account notification setup.
- Grading Periods: Parents, please note that all grading periods are available for you to view and monitor your student's progress on the ParentVUE site. Please click the grading period you wish to view from the menu above your student's schedule.
Have your student's ID number and go to to register for an account. Please note that MyPaymentsPlus charges a 4.75% transaction fee for each purchase. MyPaymentsPlus can be used for a variety of transactions, such as lunch accounts, sports and club fees. For payment of library fines please enter the amount owed as stated in the student's library account in Destiny. For assistance with MyPaymentsPlus call 877-237-0946.
FAQs & Contact Info for MyPaymentsPlus
Students log in to Naviance by going to > FIND IT FAST > Naviance. If students are on a CCSD campus, they will be automatically be logged into Naviance. If they are off-campus, they will need to use their Office 365 credentials to log in. Naviance is used for interest inventories, career exploration and academic planning, and by Seniors for requesting transcripts and letters of recommendation. See the district's page on Naviance for more information, including parent access, or learn more about the features of Naviance, such as matching with your Common App account, from your school counselor.
Additional KMHS/Cobb Accounts
Please let Dr. Bryan know of anything that might be added to, or clarified on, this page. Learn more about available resources on the ManeMedia Info Blog, by viewing for Students, or visiting links in the site map below.
Have your student's ID number and go to to register for an account. Please note that MyPaymentsPlus charges a 4.75% transaction fee for each purchase. MyPaymentsPlus can be used for a variety of transactions, such as lunch accounts, sports and club fees. For payment of library fines please enter the amount owed as stated in the student's library account in Destiny. For assistance with MyPaymentsPlus call 877-237-0946.
FAQs & Contact Info for MyPaymentsPlus
Students log in to Naviance by going to > FIND IT FAST > Naviance. If students are on a CCSD campus, they will be automatically be logged into Naviance. If they are off-campus, they will need to use their Office 365 credentials to log in. Naviance is used for interest inventories, career exploration and academic planning, and by Seniors for requesting transcripts and letters of recommendation. See the district's page on Naviance for more information, including parent access, or learn more about the features of Naviance, such as matching with your Common App account, from your school counselor.
Additional KMHS/Cobb Accounts
- Library Account @ KMHS
- Office 365
- Clever - select Log in with SAML, then use Office 365 account
- Library PASS from Cobb Public Library
- USA Testprep
- Wi-Fi Access
Please let Dr. Bryan know of anything that might be added to, or clarified on, this page. Learn more about available resources on the ManeMedia Info Blog, by viewing for Students, or visiting links in the site map below.